Our class was transferred into a zoom class this past week, and we had a couple options of different things we could do. Out of these options, I chose to do a learning lab on canva (https://www.canva.com/). Canva is a design tool that can be used for so many different purposes, and has templates as well as the freedom of changing things to your liking. I have used canva a few times for projects in high school, and a little bit here and there in university, but nothing crazy. I was super curious about how canva could be utilized as a teacher to benefit classroom management and assist in teaching.

In the learning lab, it showcased different steps in creating posters, brochures, and more on canva. This allowed me to relearn some aspects I forgot canva had, as well as see some new things I hadn’t known before. After this, I got to watch a YouTube video that showed how to create your own ‘virtual classroom’. At first, I was intrigued to see what a virtual classroom could do to assist in a class. I decided to look at some other resources to explain why they use virtual classrooms, and I found some great websites. For example, one stated that these have “taken the education community by storm”, and how they can be used as learning hubs (https://www.edutopia.org/article/educators-turn-bitmoji-build-community-and-engagement/). Other websites also discuss how it can allow students to feel more connected when logging in from home, or can be used as a fun and engaging start to the morning in class. It is essentially a way to deliver information to students that is easy, and fun!

I got to work on my own version of a ‘virtual classroom’, after watching the tutorial in the YouTube video given to us. I tried to incorporate different areas for text, like the main chalk board as well as the side panels. This could eventually be used for presenting information, or links embedded to other pages. I also wanted it to reflect my values and myself in a way that I like! So, I tried to incorporate plants and things with outdoor elements. I didn’t fill all the shelves, for I couldn’t fully figure out what I wanted to do with them. So if anyone has anymore ideas, feel free to comment them down below!

A virtual classroom, with a chalkboard in the middle. It includes a couch, teacher's desk, plants, and shelfs containing books and pens.
My virtual classroom I created using Canva!

I think this is a super engaging tool, and can be changed and edited so easily on the fly during school. Overall, I believe students would love to have this as a start to the mornings, I know I would’ve as a kid!

I’m excited to see other ways that canva can be used for teachers, and potentially use it within my future classroom!